About Me

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BE CREATIVE!!!:) Welcome to my blog, here's a little intro about me, I'm not a professional nail artist, but I love nail design. My nail collection begins when I was in high school and it continues till today. Visit me at my youtube page(azaindragon1) and share with me any of your designs. Be creative,crazy, and have fun with your nails. I'll have more fun and creative nail designs coming soon. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Video: Konad and Bundle Monster Plates Storage Idea

Here is how I stored my Konad and Bundle Monster plates. I like to store my plates in the little mini wallet size album because they fit very well. Below is a video of how I keep my nail plates neat and organize in my mini Hello Kitty picture album. I don't know if these Hello Kitty (mini/wallet) albums still exist, but check online and any wallet albums or credit card holders work fine for storing nail plates.

See how easy it is to just flip to the plates you want. Easy, fast, and you have all your plates together and organize.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Girlie Nail Design

Hope you all like this nail design.

I got my new Bundle Monster plates and decided to give it a try.  So far they're alright, I still prefer Konad but to save money, Bundle Monster plates are not that bad. Just have to press harder and images are a little bit cloudy, but I could live with that. It doesn't have to be perfect, and anyway, no one really pays that close attention to the designs. :) Enjoy.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Theme

This is my spring theme nail design. I love these three colors mixing together.  It kind of remind me of clear blue sky more than spring. This design is my favorite so far. Yeah, two thumbs up. ._.
